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Progress You Can See, Leadership You Can Trust

Before Democratic Majority

With Democratic Majority

Community Forward Vision

Township meetings were held at the Fire Stations.

Meetings were moved to a larger, more inclusive and more comfortable space at Unity Point School to encourage community attendance. 

Virtual access to monthly meetings was kept after COVID to facilitate community involvement.

We will continue to promote constructive meetings. We will record board meetings with voice-to-text summaries and update audio equipment to record all participants.

There was only one person on the board with access to the township bank accounts.

The board elected an officer to be bonded and given access to the township’s bank accounts, to add accountability to the board finances and add a level of protection for the continuity of services. 

Cost- benefit analysis for township expenses and close management of township budgets while continue to support supporting the township services offered.
Require multiple Officers to review finances.

There were no standing committees or community input for an informed and careful decision-making process.

Five committees were created to encourage community building and participation for more analytical and objective decision making.

Future new programs weighed carefully for costs.
Long range financial planning for climate resilience.


There was little to no publicity of the General Assistance program.

A General Assistance committee was created to enable access to the program. An Emergency Assistance Program was implemented in the township for the first time. Free smoke detectors were provided to residents upon request.

Federal cuts will increase the need for these programs. Make it easier to apply.

Explore partnership opportunities such as library access, food pantries, bike paths, etc. to improve residents’ lives. 

There were no monthly reports at the meetings from the Road Department or the Fire department.

The meetings are structured and reports from the road department, the Fire Department and the different committees are encouraged, welcome and expected.

Update report formats and align budgets to priorities.

Few grants were being pursued and applied for.
Road Department and the Fire Department leadership hesitated to seek grant funding.

New Grant Committee advised the board to apply for 4 grants, one gained $25,000 for the Fire Department. New Broadband Committee won a grant and established Makanda Township as a high priority service area for Broadband.

Identify long term capital needs to justify transfers between funds. Avoid increasing tax levies habitually, obtain grants to identify sustainable energy options, get fire department equipment and other opportunities as presented.

Highway Commissioner

Before Democratic Majority

The Highway Commissioner rarely attended township meetings and did not systematically report to the board about work being done.

With Democratic Majority

Mr. Hoke usually attends board meetings and encourages questions and concerns. He provides a monthly report showing expenses incurred and the status of road department equipment, inventory and projects.

The Township did not own any heavy equipment.
Snow plowing was not systematically being done in the township. 

With Mr. Hoke's leadership, the township purchased a Highway maintenance building and acquired a truck, plow, and materials.

Almost all the road tax revenue was completely spent year after year.

A reserved amount of $315,000 was saved with operations efficiency in 3 years.

Community Forward Vision

Continue obtaining grants for special road projects. Continue the transparency demonstrated on the monthly financial reports. Develop a sustained, equipped Highway Department.

Mr. Hoke's goal is to systematically have three roadside mowings per year as well as providing salt/chip applications and snow removal.

Continue to acquire necessary equipment and save money for a rainy-day fund and major road projects.

Township Clerk

Before Democratic Majority

Mostly paper records. Scant meeting minutes.
Board members picked up printed agendas before the meetings.  


With Democratic Majority

Minutes posted on, the website initiated by this majority board.
Detailed Board meeting minutes.
Electronic documents and agenda to board members in advance of meetings.

Most township historical public records were not under the custody of the clerk.


The Clerk advised the Supervisor to deliver township records so that all of them could be under her custody and in one centralized location.

Community Forward Vision

Public access to township records physically in township offices, electronically on website, or through broadcast email subscription.

Link historical records on

Digitize historical township records with Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) System of the Illinois State Archives.

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